The ‘transient’ gut bacteria can affect health and guide food choices

Persistent and transient types of colonization determine the stability of the gut microbiota. Credit: npj Microbial and Microbial Films (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41522-024-00561-1

Scientists have identified two types of bacteria in the gut using data from a long-term study of the same patients and suggest that documenting the beneficial and harmful gut bacteria could facilitate treatment .

Researchers at King’s College London identified two broad types of microbes using gut microbiome data from a longitudinal study of individuals: persistent colonizing species (PCS) that represent a healthy gut, and transient colonizing species (TCS) that destroy the intestine. and are linked to diseases such as type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

A new study published in npj Microbial and Microbial Films suggests that the two types of microbes in the gut microbiome maintain each other and that TCS, although low in nature in humans, can be affected by external forces such as through diet and lifestyle and spread in abundance. This messes up the balance with PCS being very common which causes problems in the bowels.

PCS bacteria can grow when exposed to high amounts of protein and fiber, while potentially harmful TCS can thrive on sugar and xenobiotics (substances that are not in the living system such as toxins pesticides and food additives). Making your own food plans that feed PCS microbes and seek to suppress TCS, and nutritional guidance can strengthen the body to maintain gut health and fight disease development.

Dr. Shoaie, head of the Systems Biology group at King’s College London and senior author of the study said, “The power of the gut microbiome and its dynamics in health and disease are well known. Our study shows that although the balance of these organisms can change over time, we can predict how these changes occur.

“Even bacteria that are normally found in low numbers can suddenly increase, while the good ones may decrease. Although these changes in the gut do not always cause immediate symptoms, even a short period of time what is balanced can leave a lasting impact.

“This disruption can lead to harmful changes in the intestinal environment that may persist, which may contribute to the development of various diseases over time.

“Furthermore, we have shown that transient pathogens can grow rapidly under certain conditions and produce toxins. This suggests that understanding the role of these two species groups It can be helpful for individualized diet planning. These two groups of organisms can serve as potential indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the diet plan, which can be important for patients with diseases chronic ones such as diabetes.”

Dr. Sunjae Lee, first author of the paper said “These new features will change the way researchers understand diseases and think of new ways to build effective treatments. By adding these letters to Gut With a freely available Microbiome Atlas that identifies gut microbes in 23 different diseases in 19 countries, we can share this work with the world.”

Along with the ability to help treat diseases, the ability to target and grow the population of PCS in the stomach can be used as a preventive measure, keeping the gut healthy and TCS levels and the possibility of diseases related to it is lower in healthy patients. . Therefore, extracting the active molecules of PCS bacteria makes it an effective way to restore gut health for therapeutic use.

Additional information:
Sunjae Lee et al, Transient colonizing bacteria promote gut dysbiosis and functional impairment, npj Microbial and Microbial Films (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41522-024-00561-1

Issued by King’s College London

Excerpt: ‘Transient’ gut bacteria may affect health and food choices (2024, September 20) retrieved on September 20, 2024 from -gut-bacteria-affect-health.html

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